If you have moisture and mold in your home, you’re more likely to have respiratory problems, allergies, and a weak immune system. When you know the cause of the moisture, you can take steps to limit the moisture in the air. Likewise, humidity is a natural enemy of filaments. Some materials have no humidity problem. Others, such as PVA or nylon, are very hygroscopic and absorb water after a very short time. The wet filament sizzles and is easy to recognize during printing, and the results are terrible. Therefore, it is particularly important to store filaments spools carefully and correctly. Why Water Damages Thermoplastics All plastics are polymers or copolymers. you’ll see that the long molecular strands that make up them are woven together when you look at polymers or copolymers under a high-intensity microscope, That means there’s plenty of space between and around the strands. Therefore, most polymers and copolymers are hygroscopic. Some filament materials, such as Ny...